Principal's Corner

  • Dear Elyria Pioneer Student and Parent/Guardian:

    I'd like to welcome you to what will be another impactful year at Elyria High School.  As a proud alumna and the principal of Elyria High School,  I am excited to begin what will be an amazing year of growth for your child.

    Elyria Schools follow the P.B.I.S. framework with the expectations for students to “Be Ready…. Be Responsible…. Be Respectful”.  Our teachers’ classroom management plans will clearly state expected behaviors in positive and easy to understand terms. We have identified specific strategies the staff will demonstrate, model and practice with students to create the best learning environment possible.  With our P.B.I.S. efforts, you can expect for your child to be challenged with high expectations at Elyria High School that will drive them to become stronger academically, behaviorally and socially while being surrounded and supported by adults that have your child’s best interest and future in mind. 


    Don’t forget to check out our school website, which is continually updated throughout the school year and currently provides electronic access to the student packet forms and information. Enjoy the last few weeks of your summer break and remember to follow us on Instagram @elyria_high_school and Twitter @ElyriaHigh.

    It’s A Great Day To Be A Pioneer!

    Jodie Johnson



    Highlighted Guidelines and Information:

    • Back-To-School Form: A parent/guardian is required to complete the Back-to-School Update Form with includes an emergency and medical forms, internet agreement and drug/alcohol agreement forms. All are available on-line by logging into PowerSchool and going to the left menu on the PowerSchool dashboard using this link:

    • Master Schedule/Student Times: The school day begins at 7:50 AM and will end at 2:39 PM. The school building will be open at 7:35 AM for students. ALL students who arrive prior to 7:50 AM will report to the dining hall where a to-go breakfast will be available. Students will not be permitted to enter any other part of the high school until 7:35 AM. Students will continue to have five minutes for travel time between classes with a warning bell sounding one minute before the start of class. Homeroom period will continue to be part of the 2nd period class (8:41 AM to 8:48 AM – beginning of period) with extended homeroom every Wednesday (8:38 AM-9:13 AM).
    • Student Schedules/ First Day:  Students will receive an updated schedule in their homeroom on the first day of school. All students will follow the Regular Bell Schedule on the first day of school which is included in the 2024-2025 student packet.

    • Team/ Office Locations: Please see the directory guide for team office locations, team phone numbers, principal/counselor assignments and main office information. Please Note: Team 2 & 4 are located on the first floor, Team 1 & 3 are located on the second floor.

    • Arrival Entrance for Students: Students entering the building from West Avenue (student parking lot) will need to enter the building using Door: N which is located through the archway leading into the dining hall. Please see enclosed aerial map for specific details on visitor entrance, parking locations, student entrances and student drop-off/ pickup locations.

    • Visitors: All visitors to Elyria High School must report to the main office through the main office entrance (Door: A) located off Middle Avenue near the flag poles. The main office is open from 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM.
    • Appropriate Attire: ALL students will be required to follow the Elyria Schools Good Grooming Policy (Grades 6-12) beginning with the first day of school. The expectations can be found in section 16 of the Student Code of Conduct and additional areas of focus are included in the student packet with emphasis on the following:

      • Hoodies may be worn but hoods must be down off of the head while in school.

      • Crop tops are not permitted.

      • Pants and tops must fit properly and be in good repair.

      • Slippers and slipper socks are not permitted.

      • Blankets may not be worn in school.

    • ID Guidelines: All students MUST have their school I.D. accessible and available on their person at all times during the school day. This maintains a safety measure ensuring that all students are Elyria High School students and can be identified under all circumstances.  Student I.D.s are issued on the first day of school. New students will report to the main office for a picture and receive their new I.D

    • Electronic Devices: Students may bring their cell phones to school but they must be turned off and put away during the day unless they are used as a part of a teacher-directed lesson in class. Same rules apply to Bluetooth headphones--they may not be worn during the school day.

    • Lockers & Locks: All students will receive their locker assignment on Thursday, August 22 during extended homeroom. Locks are the responsibility of the student.

    • Open House: On Wednesday August 28, 2024, the staff at E.H.S. will conduct an Open House from 6:00 PM until 7:00 PM. Parents/guests are free to visit their student’s teachers and tour the building. Please free feel to contact your child’s team office with any questions.


    It’s a great day to be PIONEER,


Jodie Johnson

 Jodie Johnson
Email Ms. Johnson

Courtney Griffiths

Dr. Courtney Griffiths
Associate Principal
Email: Ms. Griffiths

Angela Alarcon

Angela Alarcon
Associate Principal

Email Ms. Alarcon

Brad Jarrett
Bradley Jarrett
Team 1
Assistant Principal
Email Mr. Jarrett 

James Johnson

James Johnson
Team 2
Assistant Principal
Email Mr. Johnson

Brett Heighberger

 Brett Heighberger
Team 3
Assistant Principal
Email Mr. Heighberger


Ms. Patti Stiteler

Ms. Patti Stiteler

Administrative Assistant
Email Ms. Stiteler